Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Osho #23 Essentials

Mr. Osho would like us to discuss Essentials. I think this is one I'll have to come back to a number of times as my thoughts aren't formulated too well yet, but I've put off writing on it long enough. This delay in writing is, in and of itself, something to note.


Trust. Love. Trust love.

So far these seem to be the only absolute essentials I can think of other than the obvious food and all that.

Love of friends, love in an intimate relationship, love of self, love of being alive. There are an abundance of ways love can be manifested, and really, at this moment I have not much else to say other than seek it, find it, give it space, but guard it. We need more love in our lives.

Trust is huge. Huge. HUGE! Trust in oneself, trust in friends/family, trust in our partner... immensely important for any type of relationship. And yes, we most certainly DO have a relationship with ourselves. It's really the most important relationship ever. I'm not true to myself many times. Ok, well, maybe that's not exactly accurate. I'm more true to my heart than my head is a better way to state that. So there's a distinction: trust in the heart and trust in the head. Which one is usually right? Again, maybe this isn't the real question: which one should we listen to when they conflict? How can you trust two sources of yourself that are frantically waving their hands in the air shouting PICK ME! PICK ME!!! Yet when you look down their legs are violently kicking the other. My answer is to trust both. I first thought the heart is always right. And I believe that from the feeling perspective, even if sometimes it's convoluted and not what first seems obvious. But then, the head.. gotta trust the head as well it seems. So many times there are separate answers about the same thing; both can be trusted. Both are real and true. I think of the lyrics from a Radiohead song: just cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there. The head most often tells me what I *should* want/feel/like/love. It tells me the things that are in my best interest. It's logic. It's data. It's "hey dumbass.... you keep doing this and you're gonna get hurt". The head is a wise owl, constantly trying to keep us in line. I trust my head to be the smart one in this body. The heart sure as shit is not. The heart holds onto things it should release. Greedy little organ it is. Just when you think you're over a situation, person, etc the heart will open that tiny little door and BAM! Surprise! It was just hidden among all the other little goodies it has stashed away to hit you with when you least expect it. The heart is quite the (evil) joker in this way. Should we trust it? Well, unfortunately in these cases, yes. But maybe not at face value. What it's making you feel is often not exactly what you think. True, you may miss a person and think oh crap, guess i was wrong, i really can't live happily without him. But what's often more true is you miss certain things about the person. The good things. The feelings you had. The closeness. The intimacy. The feeling of being so f'n alive. yeah yeah.. sometimes it's the overall package and the heart gets it right and this is goodness. But many times we have scars. Things from long ago that are still sore spots. They've hurt you. Or they've left you empty. Or they've never been there in the first place and you're yearning. They're unfulfilled things you seek out of a relationship. So be wary if you think it's always tied to one concrete person. One concrete situation, etc. It's more often that the wounded heart has things it desperately wants to fill, and it'll use whatever pawns it can find to try to make you aware of them. I really believe the majority of issues stem from something buried. So trust the heart, but question its motives & dig deeper into what it's trying to say. And then, also trust when it's telling you that it's right. That this is it.

Ah, ok, and touching. It's craved. It's needed. I'm not necessarily talking about in a sexual way here. A warm, deep hug from a friend when you're down may not fix the issue, but holy man does it feel good and make you feel held in the physical and emotional sense. We need this. There are some who say no, they disagree. I think they're closed off and not willing to let themselves feel b/c it can be a vulnerable, scary place.

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