Saturday, December 18, 2010

Osho #16 Title: The Divided Body

The body exists as both an external and internal united entity, yet at a given time these two entities can be completely divided, or very tightly bound.

The external realm of the body is concerned with appearances. Not from a superficial standpoint, but it is simply what is on the outside and available for others to view. The internal bodily aspect is often much more subtly displayed, though not always.

A division of external and internal bodies can often be used to one's advantage. When nervous about presenting to a large audience, the external body can appear poised and confident, while the internal body is sucking its thumb under a blanket of nerves, insecurities, and fears. Sometimes the external body is covered with scars, battered and bruised, but the internal body remains intact, beautiful and full of strength.

There are times, however, when the body cannot stay divided. When a loved one dies, the physical body can easily be seen as anguished, distraught, saddened and the internal body is equally, typically moreso, experiencing these same things. A woman on her wedding day looks lovely to her new husband, and she typically feels the same way inside.

This division and unification of the external and internal bodies is most fascinating when the inside takes over positively for the outside. There are people who may not strike us as necessarily attractive nor unattractive on the outside, it's insignificant. But their presence draws us in and even without knowing them, we feel their kindness, warmth, and inner glow. The internal body can transcend what the external cannot display. The internal body can make them walk like giants among others.

The external and internal bodies can sometimes argue with each other, but these arguments are generally nowhere near as severe as those between the head and the heart...a topic for another day.

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